Due to the smallest cargos as of 1 up to 13 tones
Tel.: +370 65635770 E.p.:pardavimai@pervezimas.lt
Due to partial and local cargos as of 1 up to 13 tones
Tel.: +370 656 35770
E.p.: info@pervezimas.lt
Due to Intrastat and cargo forwarding services
Tel.: +370 656 35770
E.p.: info@pervezimas.lt
JSC “Laimonas ir broliai”
Enterprise code 135906981
Taikos ave. 94-306, LT-50188 Kaunas, Lithuania
Enterprise code 135906981
Taikos ave. 94-306, LT-50188 Kaunas, Lithuania

tel.: (8 37) 350 463
e-mail: info@pervezimas.lt